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Our HSFA residents in frail care had a fantastic time participating in our drumming class yesterday. Each brought their own unique beats and surprised us with songs. Music was also played from their era and the residents danced and sang along with the staff. The Nightingale unit drumming activity session started off with only a few residents, however when the other residents heard the music, some came down and it turned out to be a singing and dance along. Some of them just sat and soaked in the ambiance said they looking forward to the next session! Drumming has many beneficial effects. Drumming is a great therapeutic activity to keep both the mind and the body active. Drumming is a great way to not only bring people together but also to elevate mood and reduce loneliness especially during the lockdown periods. It is a fantastic way to relieve stress, reduce tension and can increase a person’s sense of well-being and belonging. Note: Social distancing and mask protocols are always in place for all activities.


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