The staff and residents of the Helderberg Society For the Aged (HSFA) are very thankful to have 558 of their residents and other older persons vaccinated against the Covid-19 virus as part of the national rollout to the elderly over the age of 60.
“The Helderberg Society for the Aged (HSFA) would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to, and congratulate KESS – Khayelitsha Eastern Substructure in conjunction with the Western Cape Department of Health on administering 558 of the Covid-19 vaccines, at the HSFA on the 20th May 2021, to our residents and elderly, over the age of 60 years,” says HSFA’s Operations Manager Rene Anderson van Zyl.
The dynamic and professional team, headed by Sheila McCloen, and her team of Registered Nurses and Administrators from KESS, are commended on the sterling job they did of ensuring our elderly, some of whom are too frail and bedridden, received their first dose of the Phizer Covid-19 vaccination as part of the Phase 2 roll out with KESS and the Western Cape Department of Health.
Photo NAMES FOR GROUP SHOT LEFT TO RIGHT HSFA TEAM:Rene Anderson Van Zyl, Eureka Haefele, Schenell Rossouw, Noleen Prinsloo, Shireen van Reenen, Rika Rodd and Adri Snyman.
Photo NAME: Sheila McCloen,Khayelitsha Eastern Substructure


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